How much does it cost?

Association Xchange sessions are offered and coordinated by volunteers. We only ask for open minds and a respectful disposition to attend our sessions — nothing more, nothing less!


Are sessions in-person?

Prior to the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020/21 all sessions were hosted in-person at various sponsor offices in Washington, DC. Currently, all events are available virtually via Zoom.


I’m interested in presenting. Whom should I contact?

Let us know! We book sessions roughly 6 to 8 months in advance.


I’m interested in be on the planning committee. Whom should I contact?

Let us know! We adjust the members of the committee each year in Quarter 4, based on interest, for the following year. Committee members are responsible for sourcing speakers and promoting sessions.


What is the DC Idea Swap?

This is the former name of Association Xchange. During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020/21 our sessions transitioned from in-person events in the Washington, DC area to online virtual events. With that transition came a new name!


Who can attend?

Any association-driven professional. Association Xchange believes in providing a safe forum for all attendees to participate and learn.