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Ethics and AI: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

How do association executives navigate the risks and ethical considerations of AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps unblock writer's block, provides ideas for taglines and themes, and generally makes life easier for association executives. But as much positivity as AI brings to associations, questions--especially around ethics--remain unanswered. No association executive wants to publish biased information, be the subject of a lawsuit for privacy violations, or be accused of plagiarism. Just how do association executives navigate the risks and ethical considerations of AI?

Join AXC’s April webinar as Public Relations Society of America’s Ethics Committee member, James Hoeft, APR, discusses the organization’s, "Promise & Pitfalls: The Ethical Use of AI for Public Relations Practitioners,” a framework for decision-makers hoping to employ AI effectively and ethically.

About the Speaker

As a member of PRSA’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards, Jim Hoeft is a co-author of “PROMISE & PITFALLS: The Ethical Use of AI For Public Relations Practitioners” (Fall, 2023). He has been practicing public affairs for the military since 2003 and is the president-elect of PRSA Hampton Roads (Virginia).


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