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Brave Choices, More Voices: Aligning Ethics and DEI in Your Association)

It’s time for associations to ensure ethical leadership is aligned with DEI culture. According to the Institute of Business Ethics, eight in 10 employees now report misconduct. And, according to, 43 percent of employees who report misconduct, say they experienced retaliation.


When you witness injustice or inequity, do you speak up, call out the behavior, demand a shift in polices, or ask for revised procedures? Join AXC’s November speaker, Mariama Boney, CAE, ASAE Ethics Committee Vice Chair, to learn more about ASAE’s newly revised Code of Conduct. The new Code focuses on how association executives can use it to align and advance your professional ethics, ensure DEI culture, and launch or revise your ethics program. 

About the Speaker

As the president and CEO of Achieve More, LLC, Mariama Boney knows about trailblazing to ‘bridge head and heart’ and maximizing association and nonprofit strategy. During her 20-year career, she has been an award-winning educational administrator, DEIA+A visionary, trainer, executive leader, and coach, Mariama is a leader and donor in the association community, her Alma matter, and faith community. With multiple certifications, licensure, and authorized partnerships, Mariama is committed to maximizing results while turning goals or problems into solutions and profits, while creating safe spaces for transformation

Mariama Boney, CAE, LCSW





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From Value Proposition Strategy to Growth: A Three-Year Case Study in Breakthrough Membership Growth