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Sponsorships Have Changed…And That’s a Good Thing for Associations

There’s no argument that society has changed during the last few years. Disruptors such as COVID-19, the rise in social media use, and increased videoconferencing on platforms such as Zoom, have changed the way we work, and get information. These changes also have affected the relationship between associations and their sponsors. Join Association Xchange and our October speaker Bruce Rosenthal of Bruce Rosenthal Associates, LLC , as we discuss how your association can continue to strengthen its sponsorship program in this new environment by attracting and retaining sponsors, increasing revenue, and, most importantly, enhancing member value.

About the Speaker

For more than 20 years, Bruce Rosenthal has served as a strategic advisor, consultant, and educator to associations and not-for-profit organizations. In this role, he’s created corporate partnership programs that increase revenue, add membership/constituent value, and foster organizational sustainability. As the founder and convener of Partners Professional Network, an organization for association executives, Bruce helps associations identify and foster corporate partnership and sponsorship innovations, best practices, opportunities, and solutions for sponsorship programs. Before becoming a consultant, Bruce was VP of Corporate Partnerships for a national association where he directed a successful corporate partnership program.

Bruce Rosenthal





Not available.


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