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The Other Side of Member Engagement: A Rich Volunteer Experience

We all have volunteers, what we don’t all have is effective volunteers. More than that, we are increasingly finding that our volunteers pool is limited in many ways from its diversity to its skill set. For many associations COVID brought not just employee burnout but volunteer burnout as well. The reality is that our volunteer systems were suffering before COVID, it’s just that the pandemic highlighted the weaknesses. During COVID, ASAE Foundation asked how to create a volunteer system that associations can use to enhance their volunteer engagement for a new age. Let’s look the options for associations and highlight resources you can use to improve the volunteer experience for your members and your staff.

About the Speaker

Peggy Hoffman is president and association manager for Mariner Management where she wears the volunteer manager hat working with her chapter volunteers. She draws on that experience along with more than 30 years in associations in her training and consulting with associations and their chapters. She will fill in many of the details on her own, but one thing to know is that she teaches a popular cycling class in the pool – a testament to her philosophy that mixing things up draws people in.

Peggy Hoffman, FASAE, CAE





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