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Is Your Association Meeting the Needs of the 15% of Neurodiverse Members?

Neurodiversity may affect up to 15% of your association's members, attendees, learners and staff

Neurodiversity describes the unique way people's brain's work. From ADHD and autism to dyslexia and dyspraxia, neurodiversity may affect up to 15 percent of your association's members, attendees, learners and staff. One in seven people in your association's target audience may process information differently from the way society often expects. 

Holly Martinson, M.ED., Executive Function Coach, and owner of Patient Minds, defines neurodiversity and explains what associations must do differently, additionally, and intentionally to serve their neurodiverse members. You'll walk away with tools to re-examine your education, training, networking, and other offerings with an eye toward meeting your neurodiverse professionals' needs and expectations.

Holly Martinson

About the Speaker

With more than 20 years of experience, Holly Martinson is the founder-owner of Patient Minds, where she uses multiple modalities to work with clients to address executive functions and provide support for co-occurring anxiety. She holds a Bachelors from George Washington University and an M.Ed. from George Mason University. She completed both levels of the Cognitive Coaching program. She is a member of the Chesapeake Bay Organizational Development Network (CBODN), Association for Talent Development (ATD) and has worked as adjunct faculty at Marymount University. Holly is obtaining her coaching credential through the International Coaching Federation. 


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