Filtering by: “DEI”

Is Your Association Meeting the Needs of the 15% of Neurodiverse Members?

Is Your Association Meeting the Needs of the 15% of Neurodiverse Members?

Is Your Association Meeting the Needs of the 15% of Neurodiverse Members?

Neurodiversity describes the unique way people's brain's work. From ADHD and autism to dyslexia and dyspraxia, neurodiversity may affect up to 15 percent of your association's members, attendees, learners and staff. One in seven people in your association's target audience may process information differently from the way society often expects.

Holly Martinson, M.ED., Executive Function Coach, and owner of Patient Minds, defines neurodiversity and explains what associations must do differently, additionally, and intentionally to serve their neurodiverse members. You'll walk away with tools to re-examine your education, training, networking, and other offerings with an eye toward meeting your neurodiverse professionals' needs and expectations.

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The Diversity Lens

The Diversity Lens

The Diversity Lens

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, many associations publicly pledged to “do better” when engaging with communities of color, but authentic engagement isn’t achieved just by having different faces in your photos. It's only the beginning.. Join the AXC June session, when our speaker, Steve Jones, Founder and CEO of will explore the importance of diverse representation in media and advertising, across companies and teams, and how it impacts the perceptions and actions across various communities. In this virtual session, you will hear suggestions about what to do…and what not to do…when choosing the right images for your association’s marketing and branding materials.

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DEI: An Association Call to Action

DEI: An Association Call to Action

March marks continued call for justice regarding Breonna Taylor and the start of the George Floyd trial. In this third segment of Association Xchange’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) series, our March program features a conversation about the dynamics of black fatigue, and managing racial trauma while addressing privilege and unconscious bias, plus dismantling the structures of systemic power and privilege.

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